Object & Installation

형의 상관
1974, 종이, 가변설치, 제1회 ‘무한대전’(1974.12.1-12,7), (구)미술회관
홍익대학교 미술대학 회화과 출신인 강국진, 김기동, 김정수, 이태현, 최붕현, 한영섭 등 6명의 30대 작가들이 입체와 오브제 작품 18점을 출품하여 (구)미술회관(안국동 로터리 한국병원 옆)에서 제1회 ‘무한대전’을 열었다. 강국진은 전시장의 바닥에 길게 자를 종이를 늘어놓았다. 평면적인 종이의 ‘형은 애초에 일정한 크기로 잘라진 것이지만, 그것이 자연스럽게 바닥에 깔릴 때 관찰자의 눈은 공간 속에서 다양하게 변화하는 ‘형’을 지각한다. (김미경, 미술사학 박사 / 강남대 교수 / 한국예술연구소KARI 대표)
Interrelation of Forms
1974, Variable installation, paper, the 1st `Muhandae exhibition’ (1st-7 December 1974), ‘Misool Hwekwan’(Art Center of Art center of the Korean Culture and Arts Foundation), Seoul, Korea
The first ‘Muhandae exhibition’ exhibition was held at ‘Misool Hwekwan’ (Art Center of Art center of the Korean Culture and Arts Foundation, alongside Hankuk Hospital near the traffic circle in Angukdong). The exhibition was planned and organized by six Hong-Ik University graduates in their thirties, namely Kukjin Kang, Kidong Kim, Jungsu Kim, Taehyun Lee, Boonghyun Choi and Youngsup Han. There were overall 8 works displayed at the exhibition. Kang’s work amongst them featured a long piece of paper cut down beforehand laid on the floor. The flat, plain paper is planned to be cut from the beginning of the thinking process, but as it is laid flat on, observers cognize the shape of it from different angles within a given space. (Mikyung Kim / Professor of Art History at Kangnam University / Director of Korean Art Research Institute)